JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

Infinispan 6.0

User Guide

  1. What is Infinispan, and why would you use it?

    1. Project Roadmap

    2. Public Articles on Infinispan

    3. Cheat Sheet on using Infinispan, for Developers

  2. Configuring and creating a cache

    1. Programmatically

    2. Declaratively

    3. Configuration migration tools

    4. Clustered Configuration QuickStart

  3. Using the Cache API

    1. Storing and retrieving data

    2. Listeners and Notifications

    3. The Asynchronous API

    4. Using per-invocation flags

    5. The Grouping API

  4. Eviction

    1. Configuring eviction and the eviction thread

    2. Expiration

    3. Examples

  5. Cache Loaders

    1. Configuring cache loaders

    2. Passivation

    3. Cache loaders shipped with Infinispan

    4. Write-Through And Write-Behind Caching

    5. Cache loaders and transactional caches

  6. JTA transactions

    1. Configuring your cache to work with JTA

    2. Deadlock detection

    3. Batching API

    4. Recovery

  7. Locking and concurrency

    1. Data Versioning

    2. MVCC: Infinispan's concurrency model

    3. Tuning concurrency level and lock striping

    4. Explicit locking and the lock() methods

  8. Clustering modes

    1. Replication and invalidation

    2. Distribution

      1. L1 caching

      2. Generating keys mapped to specific cluster nodes

    3. Asynchronous options

  9. Non-clustered, LOCAL mode

  10. Marshalling

    1. Lazy deserialization (storeAsBinary)

  11. CDI Support

  12. Management tooling

    1. JMX

    2. RHQ

    3. Writing plugins for other management tools

  13. The REST server

    1. Accessing data in Infinispan via RESTful interface

  14. Infinispan as a Directory for Lucene

  15. Running Infinispan on Amazon Web Services

  16. Querying Infinispan

    1. SQL-like querying of Infinispan

  17. Writing custom interceptors

  18. Using Tree API module

  19. Infinispan and Grails

  20. Configuration reference

    1. Default values for property based configuration attributes

  21. JMX attributes and operations

  22. API docs (Javadocs)

  23. Infinispan command-line console

  24. Infinispan for HTTP session clustering and caching

New in Infinispan 4.2.0

  1. Distribution

    1. Server Hinting

  2. Starting a new project with Infinispan - check out Infinispan Maven Archetypes

  3. Configuration Reference

  4. JMX attributes and operations

  5. API docs (javadocs)

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 09:38:26 UTC, last content change 2013-07-08 14:21:26 UTC.